free lance

Ondas, Arcus, Dalbotex et Nabholz, Biel CH):

_ Design and creation of men’s and women’s models, prints and  
_ Production of technical drawings, using Illustrator software
_ Preparation of technical files for prototyping
_ Quality control and correction of prototypes

Association Caméléon, in Paris (F) and the Philippines:

_ Design and creation of costumes for circus artists
_ Production using Illustrator software

Kustom diffusion, St Sulpice (CH):

_ Creation and design of screen-printed t-shirts for men and women
_ Production using Illustrator software

Fer Way, Lausanne (CH):

_ Creation and design of men’s and women’s models and prints
_ Technical drawings, using Illustrator
_ Creation of print layouts by hand and with Photoshop and Illustrator  
_ Layouts for mail-order catalogs, illustrations by hand and on Photoshop

Switcher, Lausanne (CH):

_ Design and creation of men’s and women’s models
_ Technical drawings, by hand and on Illustrator
_ Creation of product sheets with technical drawings and measurement



Alain Manoukian, Mercurol (F):

_ CAD fashion designer (in collaboration with Dany Manoukian, artistic
_ Creation of computer graphics books (Photoshop, Free Hand and Quark
_ Creation of men’s and women’s collection books
_ Illustration of flat and fashion drawings
_ Layout, coloring and rendering of materials
_ Illustration of merchandising books

Loft Design By, Scott & Fox et Compagnie de Californie, Paris (F):

_ Assistant fashion designer, various collection design tasks

Best Montana, Paris (F):

_ Design of men’s and women’s models and silkscreens


free lance

Samia Yousif, Geneva (CH):

_ Creation and design of women’s models
_ Creation of technical files for prototyping

Mademoiselle L, Geneva (CH):

_ Graduation of industrial patterns, using Modaris software (Lectra)

Cora Fahle, Nyon (CH):

_ Design of children’s ski suits
_ Design and production of industrial patterns, using Modaris software
_ Production of prototypes
_ Design of technical files for production

Cameresi (women’s ready-to-wear brand), Lausanne (CH):

_ Pattern design by draping and flat cutting
_ Industrial pattern-making (warp & weft, knitwear) and grading


CFP Arts (formerly Ecole des Arts Décoratifs), Geneva (CH):

Clothing design section, CFC (Certificat Fédéral de Capacité) level
_ Sewing techniques and research & creation workshops
_ Material knowledge courses (fabric technology)
_ Courses in garment design/safety/health and model development &
_ Fashion design courses
_ Participation in the implementation of the new 2014 training ordinance
_ Expert in final apprenticeship examinations

Ipac Design School (formerly Bellecour School), Geneva (CH):

Fashion design section, Bachelor’s level
_ Fashion design and pattern-making courses and workshops
_ CAD and CAM courses (Photoshop, Illustrator, Kaledo, Modaris and
   Diamino (Lectra))
_ Industrial sewing workshop (exercises, garments and diploma models)
_ Courses in fabric technology, fashion history and fashion marketing
_ Introduction of Bachelor’s degree in fashion design and BacPro in
   fashion professions

Haute École Pédagogique, Lausanne (CH):

_ Fashion knowledge seminars (cultural, technical, historical, economic
   aspects, etc.)
_ Support for participants in their end-of-training validation work

École de couture de Lausanne (CH):

Clothing design section, CFC (Certificat Fédéral de Capacité) level
_Teaching technical pattern design

École Canvas, Lausanne (CH):

_ Fashion design and sewing courses and workshops
_ CAD courses


ESMOD School, Paris and Lyon (F):

_ Diploma in women’s fashion design, state-approved level 3 (BTS – DUT)
_ 3rd and final year of dual training, fashion design and pattern-making, in
_ 2nd year of styling and pattern-making training, in Lyon

École des Arts Décoratifs (CFP Arts), Geneva (CH):

_ Certificat Fédéral de Capacité (CFC) for
_ School of Decorative Arts diploma

Lectra, on-site training in Bordeaux and Lyon (F):

_ Training certificates for Modaris, Diamino and Kaledo software

Institut pour la Création d’Entreprise, Lausanne (CH):

_ « Créer son entreprise » (Starting a business) certificate

Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Renens (CH):

_ Diploma in vocational pedagogy for teaching in vocational schools
_ Examination expert certificate


Eva Racheline, in Paris (F):

_ Assistant designer, monitoring various collections (lingerie, jumpers,
_Illustrations and contact with suppliers

Winner of the ‘La Mode est au Papier’ competition in Paris (F):

Costumes made from stationery supplies
Broadcast on TF1 (Coucou, c’est nous), and France 2 ( Le cercle de minuit )

Alain Manoukian, Mercurol (F):

_ Fashion design intership
_ Preparation of a collection presentation book for sales staff

Le « théâtre de la Douleur », in Lyon (F):

_ Costume designer internship
_ Creation of patterns and production of stage costumes


Proficiency in:

_ Photoshop, Illustrator et Indesign, PC and Mac
_ Free Hand et Quark X Press _ Kaledo, Modaris and Diamino (Lectra)
_ Stylgraph and VetiExpert (Vetigraph)
_ Dreamweaver and WordPress (website design by Christèle Sturzenegger)
_ Microsoft Office and Open Office


_ French, mother tongue
_ English, Higher-intermediate level
_ German, basic knowledge